Leiden, together against racism!

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12 februari 2024, 13:17

Leiden belongs to everyone. Racism and discrimination have no place in our city. The municipality of Leiden organizes city talks with partners. These are dialogues with residents and interested parties about how residents of Leiden can feel at home, safe, and how we can ensure that everyone is treated respectfully and fairly.

The meeting is on Thursday, March 21, from 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM during the International Day against Racism and Discrimination. You are welcome from 7PM onwards. Because the event is during Ramadan, we will provide snacks upon arrival.

Everyone is welcome and we treat each other with respect. All parts of the program are in Dutch and English.

You can register via the registration button below. You are welcome to bring others with you. If you do so, please indicate how many guests will come with you.


Huis van de Buurt “Het Gebouw”

Arubapad 2, 2315 VA Leiden

This place is wheelchair accessible.


  • 7:00 pm: Walk in.
  • 7.30-8:00 pm: Looking back on the past year and introducing the Samen Leiden label by alderman Abdelhaq Jermoumi (Equal Opportunities, Youth & Education). Presentation of the plans of the Meldpunt discriminatie.
  • 8:00-8:45 pm: Six important themes in combating racism will be central during our event, namely: connection between people, police and enforcement, education, labor market, discrimination reporting point and the internal organization of the municipality. For each theme, what was accomplished in the past year and the plans for the future will be presented. This will be done in an open market setting.
  • 8:45-9.15 pm: Musical inspiration
  • 9.15–9.45 pm: Discussion and closing poem.
  • from 9.45 pm: Socialize over bites and drinks.

Other amenities

Do you speak a language other than Dutch or English, including sign language, and do you need an interpreter? You can request this via the registration form. You will be contacted once we have found an interpreter. You can also bring someone to interpret for you. Other facilities and arrangements can be requested via the registration form.

We look forward to meeting you at the event

If you have any questions in the meantime, do not hesitate to email us at leideninclusief@leiden.nl

Leiden, Together against racism! is an initiative of the Municipality of Leiden in collaboration with Incluzio, stichting voor Inclusie en Discriminatiebestrijding (iDb), Discriminatie.nl, Samen Ondernemend Leren (SOL) and Buzz.