Parking permit for employees
Is your business located in an area with paid parking? Apply for an employee parking permit for your employees or for yourself. You can also apply when you are the owner of a company or an independent contractor (ZZP).
You will receive a parking permit for a car park or for a particular area in the city close to your business.
- Your company or organisation(or a branch) is located in zone A, zone B or zone C. Please check in which parking area your company is located or check the list of street names.
- The municipality of Leiden will check the address at which your company is registered at the Chamber of Commerce. You will receive the employees parking permit for parking in a car park or particular area. Have you received an employee parking permit? Then you will be informed in which car park or area you may park.
- Your vehicle is not a campervan or designed for such purposes, and it is no longer than 6 meters and no higher than 2.40 meters.
Validity employee permits
- Zone A Area permit: parking is permitted in the entire zone A (Monday up to and including Friday from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm)
- Zone A Site permit: parking is permitted at the Langegracht site, Morssingel site and the Huigpark (Monday up to and including Friday from 9 am to 9 pm)
- Zone B1.1 to B1.4 (areas III to V, and VII) area permit: Parking is allowed in the employee zone where your business is located (Monday up to and including Friday from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm)
- Zone C Area permit: parking is permitted in the employee area where your company is located (Monday up to and including Friday from 9.00 am to 19.30 pm). Please note: zone C is divided into zone C1 to C4. You may only park in your own parking permit zone.
- You are not allowed to park at an auto date parking spot or at a red-cap machine.
Do you want to know where your employee parking permit is valid? Check the map with employee areas in which your employee permit is valid.
Apply online for the employee parking permits. You will need:
- E-Recognition (level 2+)
- The licence plate number of your employee
- Valid proof which states how many employees you have. Usually you will find this on your excerpt of the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce. Enclose an excerpt less than 3 months old. When the number of employees is not registered in your excerpt you have to enclose your annual account or an audit report in which the number of employees is recorded.
The municipality will assess your application. You will receive an email with the decision. When you get the permit, you pay online. Be sure that the correct licence plate number is known to us. After payment, the employee parking permit will be effective right away.
You will receive a letter and an email when your employee parking permit expires. You can renew the employee parking permit online and make changes, such as registering a different licence plate. Please also notify us if you have fewer employees.
You can also allow multiple part-time employees to use the employee parking permit: switch the active licence plate. This can be done via the e-portal by logging in with eHerkenning. Only one licence plate can be registered per parking permit at a time.
You will not receive a paper-based permit, but you fill in the licence plate number of the car you use the permit for. Traffic wardens scan the licence plate number and in that way know that your employee has a parking permit.
It is possible that there are waiting lists for employee parking permits.
To the counter
Would you prefer to do this in person? Then you should make a counter appointment.
You can also call to make an appointment: 14 071
Bring the following documents with you
- your proof of identity
- a power of attorney (if you are not the company owner). The power of attorney is a letter in which the company owner gives you permission to apply for the employee parking permit. The letter must include a date and the owner’s signature.
- an extract of your Chamber of Commerce registration. The extract may be a maximum of 3 months old.
- proof of the number of employees in your company if this is not specified in your Chamber of Commerce registration. Such as your annual account or an audit report.
- Zone A: € 125,00 per quarter
- Zone B: € 175,00 per calendar year
- Zone C: € 175,00 per calendar year
- Changing parking permit online: for free
- Changing parking permit at the counter: € 0,00
You pay from the 1st day of the month in which you are issued the permit. Do you want to cancel the employee parking permit? Then your money will be refunded for every remaining full month of the current permit period.
You can get a maximum number of parking permits for employees but this maximum depends on the number of employees and the number of parking places your company has. You will get less permits when your company has its own parking places. It is about the number of employees that is registered in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce. Underneath you will find the numbers.
Number of fte’s | Number of permits |
1 up to and incl. 10 | 3 |
11up to and incl. 20 | 5 |
21 up to and incl. 30 | 6 |
31 up to and incl. 40 | 7 |
41 up to and incl. 50 | 8 |
> 50 | 1 per 10 extra fte |
In zone A you can get maximal 10 permits. In zone B and zone C there is no maximum per company.
Business park De Waard
Number of employees | Number of permits |
1 t/m 3 | 2 |
4 t/m 6 | 3 |
7 t/m 9 | 4 |
10 t/m 12 | 5 |
13 t/m 15 | 6 |
16 t/m 18 | 7 |
19 t/m 21 | 8 |
22 t/m 24 | 9 |
25 t/m 27 | 10 |
28 t/m 30 | 11 |
> 30 | 1 per 3 extra employees |
Lugdunum Area
For this area a maximum of 100 employee parking permits are allotted to the Alrijne hospital. Employees of the Alrijne hospital are not qualified to get an employee parking permit in another area.
Private parking places
The municipality also looks at the number of private parking places at the (rented) area of your company. Do you have a lot of private parking places? In that case you will get less permits. It is possible that part of your parking places will be used by customers and other non-employees. Depending on your business (SBI-code with the Chamber of Commerce) it is therefore possible that a part of your private parking places does not count. This percentage can be found in the SBI-coderingstabel coding table. Example: you have an office with desk function (SBI-code 64) and 21 employees. Based on the number of employees you can get 3 employee parking permits. You have 10 private parking places on your premises. Based on the SBI-code for an office with desk function, 80% will count as a parking place for your employees. This means 8 parking places. So in the end this means: 3 permits – 8 parking places = 0 permits. Your company will not get any employee parking permits.
You will receive the decision of the municipality within 1 week, unless your application is incomplete or will be rejected. It is possible that there is a waiting list.