Integration in the Netherlands

Do you live in the Netherlands and do you have a residence permit? Then you are required to integrate. You will learn the Dutch language and how Dutch people live and work.

Mandatory integration

Are you required to integrate? Then you will receive a letter from the Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO). The letter states the date from which you must integrate. You have 3 years to integrate. This is the integration period. After that, you must take an integration exam.

Leiden Integration

The municipality of Leiden helps you to participate in society as quickly as possible. The municipality does this with the Leiden Integration program. You will be assigned a permanent contact person who will help you throughout the entire process.

Are you participating in the Leiden Integration program?

We will guide you during your integration. We will give you advice and help you to obtain your integration diploma as quickly as possible. We will also help you to find work as quickly as possible. Or a training course that suits you.

In the Leiden Integration program, you will follow training courses. Together with Vluchtelingenwerk we help you to manage your money well. Leidse Inburgering helps young people to go to a Dutch school as quickly as possible.

There are 2 routes via Leiden Integration.

  • The B1 route. Do you want to learn Dutch well? Do you want to take the integration exam at language level B1? Then you follow this route.
  • The Z route. Is it not easy for you to learn Dutch well? And do you want to be able to do as much as possible yourself? Then you follow the Z route. You will learn Dutch up to language level A1.


Integration costs money. You pay for your integration yourself. On the website of DUO you can find out how much integration costs and how you can borrow money for your integration.

Are you an asylum migrant (refugee)? Then the municipality will pay for your integration.

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