Applying for a waste or container card

A container card (waste card) enables you to use the underground waste container. Do you not have a container card? Or is your container card not working? Apply for a new card.

Access to the container

The container card gives you access to a maximum of 2 underground containers. These are the 2 containers that are closest to your house. Do you want to use a different underground container? Call +31 71 5 16 51 65. Your container card will be linked to the underground container of your choice free of charge.


Is your container card lost or broken? A new card costs € 12,15.


  • Up to 4 inhabitants per house number share 1 container card.
  • Make sure the card is within reach for every person registered on your address.
  • The container card is linked to the house number. Please leave the card in the house when you move out.

How long does it take?

4 business days. The new card will be sent to your home address.